In this encore episode, Jeff Cobb and Celisa Steele discuss 3 low-cost, high-impact areas for investing in your education business in the coming year. Show notes available at
Celisa Steele and Jeff Cobb discuss a range of free tools and resources - most available as digital downloads - to help you with formulating and executing strategy for your lifelong learning business. Show notes available at
A PDF download of the document discussed in this episode is available at
Leading Learning co-hosts Jeff Cobb and Celisa Steele discuss major trends that impacted the market for lifelong learning in 2016 and offer predications about what we'll see in the year ahead. Show notes available at
Celisa Steele interviews Maddie Grant, co-author of Humanize and When Millennials Take Over about the implications of social media on associations, how it has led to organizations becoming more human-centric (including the impact millenials are having on this), and the important role of learning in organizational culture.
Madddie is a digital strategist and thought leader who is an expert at helping organizations use social media to transform organizational culture and become more human-centric. She is also well known for her work on organizational culture at WorkXO, as well as for her role as editor of the SocialFish blog.
Show notes available at
In this encore episode of the Leading Learning Podcast Celisa Steele talks with John Horrigan of the Pew Research Center about his organization's recent research into lifelong learning and technology.
Roughly three quarters of Americans said they considered themselves lifelong learners and a similar number actually engage in a lifelong learning activity in a given year. At the same time, most American remain relatively unfamiliar with major concepts like distance learning or trends like Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Listen in for Horrigan's perspective on these and other lifelong learning issues.
And thanks to YourMembership for sponsoring this encore episode.
Show notes available at